Whether meditating for religious purposes or for relaxation, one thing remains constant: posture. In order to reach the best state of relaxation, one must take the time to learn proper techniques. This is not a sidebar to the practice of meditation; it’s one of the fundamental elements.
Meditation posture isn’t difficult to learn. The back must remain straight, yet relaxed. this position will assist the meditator in attaining optimum breathing. Shoulders should be relaxed and rolled back to open up the chest. Think of the neck as being “long” and “open, with the chin tucked slightly in. If you find yourself slumping, the seat may be too low–but often slumping is simply a habit. If you aren’t flexible, don’t cross your legs. However, you do want to remain relaxed; tension will prevent you from doing the “work” of meditation.
Once you have set the body into its position, spend some time becoming aware of each body part and its contact with your surroundings. Beginning with your feet, think about the way they connect to the floor. Consciously allow your feet to relax, sinking even further into the floor as they soften. Move slowly upward to each body part and release the tension there: your legs, hips, back, shoulders, arms, hands, and head. Relax and feel your breathing for a few beats before you begin to meditate.
Awareness of the body and its position is vital for proper meditation. Taking the time to set your body properly every time you meditate will improve your responsiveness. Being aware of the posture each and every time you meditate will improve the level of relaxation and the results of your experience.
For an easy way to meditate, check out the Centerpointe Holosync system.