What kind of problems does descartes encounter in his meditations on first philosophy?

What kind of problems does descartes encounter in his meditations on his account of what the essence of mind and body. This question is part of an essay, and is referring to critisms of his ideas, such as interaction, mentalese, and solopsism.

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3 Responses to What kind of problems does descartes encounter in his meditations on first philosophy?

  1. Leumas says:

    im sorry whats did you say? all i read was “do my homework, please”

  2. Sonrisa says:

    You could criticize his “cogito ergo sum” (I think therefore I am).

    He establishes the cogito as independent of the divine, but also claim that atheism can’t posses scientia (knowledge) – you could challenge that.

    You could also challenge that his solution leaves no room for unconscious thoughts

  3. dude says:

    He is proving the existence of I
    Yet his very 1st sentence ASSUMES the I

    he should have said, thought exists.

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