There is a difference between normal people and psychics and that is the senses that are more developed. The average senses that we all rely upon on a daily basis like smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste are much more sensitive in someone who is psychic. This allows them to experience things that other people may not be able to.
A psychic has the ability to tap in to vibrations from the future, the present, and the past by simply holding on to an object or entering a space that has higher than normal psychic vibrations. They may even be able to speak to the deceased people that are present in the room at the time. Developing the five senses and becoming more in tune to your psychic tendencies can be achieved by using a psychic test.
A simple psychic test you can try is by using several decks of psychic cards. These cards might include colors, symbols, geometrical shapes, numbers, animals, or faces. To test your ability to predict the future, shuffle the cards then stack them in front of you. Touch the card on the top of the deck and focus on thinking about what the color, animal, or other figure on the card will be.
Do not rush yourself into making a decision about the card. Take deep breaths and take it very slow. Put your mind into a relaxed state. You will find that words and maybe even images begin to float around in your mind. These should work as clues that will help you make your guess. Once you have decided on the answer, speak it out loud and then turn the top card over. You should give yourself a few practice tries before you begin to track your results. Once you have gotten to a place that you can guess over half of the cards correctly you will know that you are on the way to a great psychic ability.
To focus on seeing into the past there is another fairly easy test that you can perform but you will need to have someone that is willing to volunteer as an assistant. Find a family member or friend that you do not already know a great deal about their past and ask them if you can give them a free reading. You will be working on your psychic intuition and will need it to be able to provide results that are accurate.
Psychic intuition is the ability to instantly see into another person and come to correct conclusions about their life. It also applies to having advance knowledge about an event before it happens. You probably already do this all the time. How many times have you already known who was at the front door before answering it? Ever answered the phone and just knew that someone you loved had been hurt before anyone had spoken a word?
To develop intuition so you can conduct a psychic test, start by learning to read psychic auras. Auras refer to the energy field or life force that surrounds each of us and appears as an ethereal light. The colors seen in a person’s aura indicate their current mood, their personality, and health. Psychics can see auras as well as sense their presence.
Have you ever had to stand in a very long line and you can just feel the tension that is coming from someone that is in front or behind you that tells you that they are very angry about being in the line? Maybe you have had the uncomfortable experience of entering a room after a fight has just occurred and feeling the awkwardness in the room. These are both examples of someone being able to sense auras. You can test your sensitivity to an aura by giving someone a reading and holding on to their hand as you play soft music in the back ground.
Find a seat that has a white wall and ask the person to sit in a chair with their back to the white wall. Sit directly in front of them and close your eyes. Listen to the music and let it sooth you into feeling the vibrations that are coming from the person that is in front of you. You should know that you will begin to feel the emotions that the person is feeling as you pick up on their vibrations. Let your eyes open after three or four minutes and see if you see their aura surrounding them. You should have neutral lighting in the room and maybe even some candles.
Gaze gently instead of staring hard, you don’t want to strain your eyes. Focus on one spot on the person, such as the forehead and stare for at least 30 seconds without looking away. The area around the person should begin to get brighter and you should be able to see their aura appear.
While this is technically a psychic reading, you do not want the person that is getting the reading to be perfectly quite. You want them to talk some and you can start the conversation by asking them some very basic questions like what their name is and what exactly they are hoping to get out of their reading. As you begin to see visions you can use the information that they share to help you to understand them.
Through practice, dedication and belief in your abilities a psychic test can give you an accurate guidance into your current level of psychic ability. Use regularly to strengthen these abilities and unlock all your psychic powers.
The author Adrian Bonnie writes for the website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to develop psychic. Find out never before revealed secrets. Anyone really can learn how to use their psychic powers. all will be revealed when you visit here to get over 30 free psychic test. audios and videos!