Those who do real meditation increase their joy, even if they live in most trying circumstances.
We utilize a meditation technique based on the process of deep, analytical thinking on a seed thought. Through proper meditation, a person will be able to expand his consciousness slowly and safely. Meditation helps us understand the mysteries of life. Meditation, in essence, is the path of contact with our soul.
Meditation is the process of learning to clear the mind and emotions of automatic reactions and replace them with clear thinking and observation in the light of the soul. Those who learn to do real meditation increase their joy and creative living even if they live in life’s most trying circumstances.
We utilise the meditation discipline known as seed thought meditation. In this method, the student prepares himself by the purification of his environment and his bodies, attains a quiet emotional body, a serene and focused mind, and then, the student will think about a given seed thought. This thinking process will be simple at first, and slowly will deepen and expand commensurate with the expansion of his mental mechanism. In this process, the person learns to observe a tangible or intangible aspects of life from various persectives. In so doing, the person learns how to see life in a larger perspective.
Our meditation lessons are based on the teachings of the Ancient Sage Patanjali. Torkom practiced this method and based his courses on how he learned to meditate. He meditated continuously throughout his life. As a result, he had boundless creativity and energy and his life and works are a testament to his ability to focus and think clearly.
Our meditation lessons are based on the courses taught by Torkom Saraydarian. He meditated continuously throughout his life. As a result, he had boundless creativity and energy. His training was based on the solid instructions given for meditation and expansion thousands of years ago by the Great Teacher Patanjali. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, instructions are given that are still valid today. See for example A. A. Bailey’s magnificent commentary on the Sutras titled The Light of the Soul.
The courses that were designed by Torkom have benefited thousands of students all over the world. These are still in use today. New courses have been added and continue to be added based on the same tradition.
The meditations taught at The Torkom Saraydarian University follow this ancient tradition. The courses are based on the concept of seed thought meditation. In this method, the student prepares himself by the purification of his environment and his bodies, attains a quiet emotional body, a serene and focused mind, and then, after saying various mantrams, the student will think about a given seed thought. This thinking process will be simple at first, and slowly will deepen and expand commensurate with the expansion of his mental mechanism.
Below are a few excerpts from Torkom Saraydarian on the subject of meditation. You can also read the entire first chapter of The Science of Meditation, “What is Meditation”.
“Meditation in the New Age is creative thinking through the light of the Intuition and in conformity with the Divine Plan. In the New Age, meditation will involve not only the mystical efforts of humanity, but it will involve, as well, the political, educational, philosophic, artistic, scientific, religious, and economic fields. It will create harmony within and between all these fields under the rhythm of the Divine Plan, of the Divine Will. Thus, meditation will be not only to gain insight, to contact great powers, to have inspiration and joy but also to bring them down to practical life, to transform our life on all levels, healing the wounds of humanity, building bridges and revealing the unity, the synthesis behind all creation.”
The Science of Meditation, p. 19
“The purpose of meditation is to annihilate hindrances on the path of this expansion and to make you more aware of your Cosmic relationships and your Cosmic destiny. Meditation leads you into freedom, and instead of being the slave of your egocentric viewpoints and cravings, you become a part or even one with the Cosmic viewpoint. Thus you help to end the misery of all former civilizations which grew out of human tears, sufferings, pain, and blood.”
The Science of Meditation, p. 20
“Meditation is a process of harmonisation and attunement with the purpose of the incoming energies form the higher realms and from outer space. Our civilization and culture are the result of our responses and reaction to the incoming energies. These energies may hinder our progress toward liberation if we are not ready to assimilate and translate them through our life and consciousness, or they may stimulate and release our inner glory if we are able to respond to these energies in pure compassion and in active service to our fellow men.
“Meditation prepares us to become sensitive to these incoming energies. It enables us to be charged with them and to translate them in the form of light, love, and will-to-good. This is how a new age man is born, a man who is in tune with the purpose of the incoming energies and with the highest aspirations of humanity.”
The Science of Meditation, p. 20
“It is a fact that negative emotions wear out our body, and worries separative and selfish thinking cloud our minds. Meditation releases light upon these three levels, and we start to regenerate our vehicles and radiate vitality, peace, and serenity. Meditation makes you more able in your daily duties and works because it increases your right judgment, sharpens your power of observation, increases your control over your body, quickens your actions and makes them more accurate.
“Meditation gradually cleans you of your glamors to such a degree that you are no longer the slave of your emotions and their effects. Because of this you do not leak energy, you waste no time, and you do your work better and in shorter time.”
The Science of Meditation, by Torkom Saraydarian p. 21
by Gita Saraydarian
Gita Saraydarian is the Founder and President of TSG Foundation, and TSG University. She is the daughter of Torkom Saraydarian. Gita is a teacher and lecturer on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings and has established a worldwide audience as a creative educator for progressive ideas, transformation, and goodwill. TSG has offices in
London, Peru, Germany and USA
Gita writes a popular blog on diverse topics showing how to understand contemporary life issues through the application of the Wisdom Teachings.
Read more about Gita