Most people know that remote viewing is something to do with ESP and that it is a mysterious practice. But the fact is that remote viewing is a scientific method that taps in the ‘universal mind.’
Remote viewing transcends space and time and it brings unconscious into conscious.
A person need not have to be a psychic to learn remote viewing. Any person can learn and use remote viewing. With the help of remote viewing, a person is able to access some incredible powers of mind that he did not know he even possessed.
Remote viewing is nothing but the controlled usage of ESP. Remote viewing is possible through the usage of a specific method. This specific method in turn uses a set of technical rules called the protocols. Remote viewing has nothing to do with time and space.
A remote viewer can perceive a target in the form of a person, an object, or an event. These targets must be located at distant place, away from physical view in terms of time as well as space. The targets can be in the next room, they can be across countries, and virtually anywhere in this world. In fact, the targets can be spread across the universe.
‘Remote viewing’ or RV was coined by Ingo Swann along with researchers Janet Michelle, Karlis Osis, and Gertrude Schmeidler. Ingo Swann had conducted successful experiments about remote viewing 1973. He was able to remote view that planet Jupiter has rings around it. This fact was later conformed and proved to be correct later when space probes were carried out.
In a method developed for remote viewing by these people along with some others include five components. The five necessary components for remote viewing are a subject who is the remote viewer, active ESP abilities, a target at distant location, the remote viewer’s recorded perceptions, and a confirmatory positive feedback. A session for remote viewing would typically last for about an hour.
No none is really aware about how remote viewing works. But it is equally true that it works. Some people believe that it does not work at all while others believe that it works 100 percent of the times. However, the fact is that remote viewing works but it may not work all the time for all the remote viewers.
A highly skilled remote viewer may be able to get results through his remote viewing for almost each time but it is not necessary that all the date gathered by him is absolutely correct.
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