Life in the slow lane
Tom Murray is spending these days unplugged, in digital detox. He’s trying to distance himself from the virtual world and reconnect with the real one, where people talk face to face and don’t leap to answer every electronic chirp. You might say he has unfriended himself.
Read more on Lexington Clipper-Herald
Exeter/Hampton/Rockingham community calendar
n discover tuscany: Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce will hold an informational meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 30 at Exeter High School, 1 Blue Hawk Drive, regarding a trip to Tuscany, Oct. 14-23. To view an itinerary, RSVP to Molly Palmer at 772-2411, or e-mail:
Read more on Exeter News-Letter
Pushed to the limit
University students experience levels of stress similar to those of other college students nationwide, as reported by a National College Health Assessment survey, John Kolligian, director of University Health Services, said in an e-mail. But some undergraduates said they believe that specific aspects of the University’s environment — from selective social groups to classroom competition …
Read more on Daily Princetonian
Bob Lingvall: There Is a Beauty Within You #21: Preparing for Self Realization in the Springtime
Its bliss is deeper than our winter and its love greater than our embrace. And it is you. All of this, no more than mirror, your sweet reflection — springtime.
Read more on The Huffington Post