You have to cleanse the body of the poisons that have accumulated through the months. These toxins play havoc with the vital organs of the body and leave a trail of destruction. They should be removed from the system without trace – if that were possible.
In order to cleanse the system of toxins one must clean the colon. It is known that death begins with the malfunction of the colon. Although the kidneys and the liver are primarily accountable for the cleaning of poisons from the system the colon is a vital player in assisting the operation of detoxification. How do these toxins come from? There are many sources for toxins that enter the body through every possible opening, including the tiny pores in the skin.
The air we breathe is a rich way to obtain toxins which make their way into our bloodstream. Poisons are deposited into the air through car fumes and pollution from industries. The fruit and vegetables we eat are polluted with poisons by way of the insecticides we spray to kill the pests that destroy the plants. The chemical fertilizer we use for the plants is the one other source of poisons that make their way into the vegetables, fruits and fruit we eat. The water we drink is treated with cleansing and purification agents, again chemicals. These make their way into our system and then finally increase the toxic levels in our body.
Another new way to obtain toxins is the medications that we take to heal ourselves. Actually, any type of chemical intake leads to the build up of poisons in out system. Then again here are the chemical toiletries such as deodorants and sprays; these are a large source of poisons.
So, how can toxins affect our system?
Harmful toxins affect all the organs in our body. They mainly attack the kidneys, liver and then the colon. Toxins hamper the functioning in the immunity process by leaving the body open to attacks from diseases resulting in ill health. Some of the main signs and symptoms are aging, skin rashes and lots of other skin complaints, indigestion, nausea, and most of all behavioral changes including depression, a rising disorder linked to toxin levels in the system.
The best way to rid the system of toxins is to go on a detox diet. Here’s a program that consists on fruit and veggies. A 5 day diet of leafy vegetables and fresh fruit along with minimum 4 liters of water daily will eliminate the system of over 80% toxins. There are other methods include home detox kits that comes with herbal detox pills and tonics that work independently on each organ to detoxify the system.
Whatever the process you decide to detoxify your body it is recommended do so regularly such as twice a year. A detoxified body’s a sound body and a happier individual.
Learn more about natural body detox. Stop by where you can find out all about herbal body detox and what it can do for you.