When ordinary forms of therapy do not help with your emotional problems and you found nothing in your early life that is causative, it is sometimes easy to imagine it could be experiences from a past life that trouble you. Is there any way to take a past life test to determine if you lived before or not?
Into the discussion comes the age-old chicken or the egg controversy. If we have a series of lives, when was the original life, and how many do I go through before my last life? Is there a past life? Of course, there is no scientific answer to these questions. We can however, try to determine to our own satisfaction whether we lived before and when.
You may have unfounded fear of some inanimate object or an activity that should be pleasurable. Let us imagine you are terrified while playing the piano. You love playing the music but the fear spoils your pleasure. Let your mind open to the possibility that someone smashed your fingers in the piano during a previous life. If no experience in this current incarnation explains it, this may be possible.
Take the journey back through time only with a trusted therapist and only after exploring all other possibilities. She or he might use hypnosis to take you back to an earlier life. Hypnosis is not a great mystery, it is a form of very deep relaxation. You may have been regressed back to birth, if that didn’t help, you may want to go back to before birth.
There are therapists who specialize in past life age regression. We are not referring to a lady in a tent who for five dollars tells you what she sees in her crystal ball. These are academically trained professionals with an interest in helping people explore the past life they may or may not have experienced.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to relieve yourself of irrational fear and anxiety? How amazing to remember the causative factor that drove you to seek professional help. If you doubt completely the possibility that reincarnation is a reality, you won’t be a likely successful candidate for this endeavor. Reincarnation is widely accepted around the world, India is one prime example. But with a closed mind, you won’t be able to confront and relieve your current emotional state.
Past life age regression may unravel they mystery of what is making you anxious, frightened or going through an unfounded phobia. Since knowledge is power, this may be a strong tool to use. There is no proof that reincarnation is either factual or not. But, don’t let the fear of ridicule stop you from exploring the possibility. Be cautious in choosing a therapist though. He or she should be educated and credentialed as a therapist and have special interest in therapies related to reincarnation
It is best not to wander down the path of visualizing yourself having been Napoleon Bonaparte or Queen Elizabeth the first. Just as the chances of winning a lottery are slight, so is the likelihood of you having been a famous historical figure. Keep your mind open, select your therapist carefully and keep an open mind as you explore this fascinating possibility that you have had previous incarnations. A past life test may answer your questions.
The author Corrine Cogger writes for the https://www.past-lives-regression.com website. Discover the amazing experience of exploring past life and you can try it yourself when you get 30 Free reincarnation Binaural and hypnosis mp3 Audios and Videos when you visit here.