Get Important Advice About Brainwave Generation

First off, if you’re not open-minded, this concept will probably not work for you. If you’ve ever wondered, ever thought that maybe — just maybe, there’s some other way to go about your life, then stick around. A short investment of your time now will produce positive change for your future.

Our brains spend most of their time siphoning out the utterly useless background noise we experience on a daily basis. Car alarms, jack hammers, the news, the screaming baby on the bus, bosses who bark orders, coworkers who love waiting until you’re about to make your point to interrupt you, wardrobe malfunctions, sitting in an office chair. Ever catch yourself grumbling about how uncomfortable your chair is, and then catch yourself doing it again the next day? That grumbling is your body’s way of negatively-embracing your emotions. Rather than just let it all out and move on to a rational solution, you just forget about the uncomfortableness of the situation — or so you think. These inner troubles stick around, build up, little by little, and when its time to lie down and get to sleep, what thoughts do you find floating around in your mind? That’s right, its those same exact thoughts. I’ve found a solution to this problem.

The concept takes some time. It takes about half an hour a day, at least three days a week, and a few weeks to ease into feeling some results. If you get heavily into this as I have done, you might find yourself spending a full hour a day, 7 days a week deep in brain-entrained ecstasy. Either way, you experience the benefits of relaxing your mind — it truly is a mind massage, and much like a full-body massage, it starts out easy and then as time goes by you truly start to feel the big knots getting worked out.

It all begins with you sitting comfortably in a chair or lying in bed. You slip on a pair of headphones and wonder what’ll happen next. The audio begins playing, very lightly at first, just the sound of rain falling or trees rustling. You realize how bored you are and think about quitting, but you remember that you are open-minded, so you stick around awhile longer. You catch yourself breathing, and notice how calm your breathing has become. Your focus moves to some other part of your body, then to your feet, then to all the other parts, and finally culminates in a sense of peaceful awareness that you are indeed in the room you started out in. Ten minutes in, you start to notice a slight buzzing sound — this is your brain starting to pick up on the core of this program. The buzz changes pitch and frequency, starts to sound like a group of bees or a baseball whizzing past your head, and slowly fades into the background as your brain entrains onto the pattern. Suddenly, you start to notice your heartbeat, then your awareness truly opens up, and the program begins.

Depending on the program you choose, you will be taken on a different journey. Some programs focus on healing, on stress-reduction, on auto-immune enhancement. Other programs exist in the fringe, things like out-of-body awareness, which if you do get a chance, is truly an incredible experience. Not to sound like a total disclaimer, but your experience will be proprotional to the amount of energy you allow your mind to release.

Try out some of the free stuff if you like, I guarantee that you can find some on the ‘net and that it will be of OK quality. You can even find some free stuff at the site I’m about to link you to. For targeted programs that are specially developed to bring about specific states of consciousness, you seriously want to check out this company I’ve come across. They have fairly-priced programs and offer full money-back guarantees. Honestly, I’ve been using binaural brainwave technology for over a year now, and my life has never been as full and meaningful as it is today. Give it a try, or not. Your choice, but I hope you choose to check it out. Be sure to have a good pair of headphones, I recommend a studio set from Sennheiser, which will set you back about a hundred bucks.

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