Highly Effective Chakra Cleansing Practices

Since our chakras are directly influenced by everything around us such as the technique to regular cleansing of our chakras logically follows that we should take our environment into consideration as well. To achieve balance and harmony, the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being also needs cleansing in order to heal our energy systems. This is necessary since all aspects of our existence are interconnected and are necessary to function harmoniously for healthy and vibrant living.

Following are some of the highly effective chakra cleansing practices man has used for thousands of years in the past:

1. Smudging with certain herbs and plants like white sage can clear certain types of negative energy obstacles in your energy points. Simply go inside a room with the door and windows closed and burn some white sage and let the smoke fill the room; remain in the room for a few minutes.

2. Undergoing auric brushing or having someone run their hands down chakra line from top to bottom also frees energy jams. Some people recommend the use of crystals and gems can be used to clear out blockages in your auras but some of the gems and crystals are too strong and requires very good experience in order to prevent serious damage rather than effect healing.

3. Live healthy by eating the proper diet, drinking plenty of water and fruit juices coupled with regular sleep and rest should be an individuals norm instead of maintaining a hectic daily schedule. A healthy lifestyle is highly recommended in order to preserve our energy systems.

4. Performing regular physical and breathing exercises are also necessary to achieve and maintain the health and stability of our chakras. The obvious benefits of exercise to our body are also an important consideration in doing physical activities and appropriate breathing techniques.

5. Establishing a connection with nature is one way of gaining positive influences on our energy systems since nature is an integral part of our environment and existence.

6. Since each individual colors have different vibrations that affect different elements of a person, you can effectively perform chakra cleansing by looking at real color or simply by visualizing them.

7. Listening to music also heals our energy system. Music is an effective chakra cleansing technique and can be used to activate our chakras, which in turn activate the entire endocrine system.

8. Stimulating our mental power and engaging in worthwhile intellectual pursuits are critical factors to maintain a healthy chakra. The mind rests in the mental aura and this level of the aura needs to be stimulated or it will slow down, accelerating the aging process. We need to be learning, interested, and passionate about something at all times in our lives.

9. Deep contemplation for a few minutes on a regular basis is enough to allow us to realize and understand our thoughts and emotional feelings. It is a vital way of chakra cleansing technique because it makes us cognizant and receptive to everything around us.

10. Practicing love of self is also important as it teaches us survival and self preservation. It also makes us more able to love others.

11. An awareness of our feelings and emotions coupled with the ability to express them in a constructive manner to people around us is a very vital chakra cleansing and maintenance strategy. Restrained thoughts, feelings and emotions can invariably cause energy jams that can disturb our health and well being.

12. Being imaginative in our daily activities helps us maintain balance and harmony. Imagination and creativity is not the private realm of the arts as we can utilize it to make our activities more interesting!

13. Be perceptive of the significance of your past since it can provide a deep understanding of your purpose as a person.

14. Honesty and truthfulness in all areas of our lives keeps us healthy and gives us vibrant energy. Values anchored on respect, trust, decency, honesty and truthfulness help make us a productive and responsible member of the society.

15. Communicate with your Creator through prayer. Praying is a fundamental part of our health and energy systems because it is an acknowledgement of humility and a sign of respect for the Almighty. It also helps put us at ease and make us sensitive to our environment.

All the above methods of chakra cleansing are very important. However, it takes practice and a realization of your love for yourself and others before you can truly understand and use them for chakra cleansing. It is not necessary to use them all at the same time but it is recommended to start off with one or two or three and continue to add methodologies over time. Chakra cleansing is not achieved instantaneously, it is a constant and lifetime process (just like chakras are continually in motion) in order to achieve and maintain a healthy balance among all the elements involved.

Anne-Marie Laureaut is one of the team of experts who contribute to the popular chakra-balance.com site. To get more information on how chakra cleansing can transform your whole life and to get 29 Free chakra meditation affirmations, hypnosis and special sound frequency audios.

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