Yoshie Akiba maintains balance in her life
It’s Friday night and Yoshi’s is packed. But the renowned jazz club’s namesake, Yoshie Akiba, is a cool as a cocktail on a grand piano. A dancer, a painter and a businesswoman extraordinaire — Akiba finds balance and energy in some surprising ways.
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Cyber-bullying exacts awful price
Editor’s note: The following is the second in an ongoing series of reports examining the complex and increasingly prevalent incidence of online harassment of youths as a consequence of social networking.
Read more on Beverly Citizen
Your Meditation Table
Here are some ideas for selecting a spot and setting up your meditation table.
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Hot yoga turns up the heat in order to maximize the burn
This winter has marked one of Blacksburg’s coldest in recent memory. Still, in a small building on 401 S. Main St., a fitness studio has managed to keep its customers cozy with a balmy average temperature of 104 degrees — and that’s just part of the normal workout.
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