How To Meditate I – Sitting (old)

Take a look at this video about how to meditate:

These videos have been redone here:

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25 Responses to How To Meditate I – Sitting (old)

  1. kao1306 says:

    The Real Religion Is Simply Watching And Observing The Operations And Mechanisms Of The Brain.That Is The Direct And Intimate Experiences Of Individual,Not The Reflections Of Any Existing Concepts,Outlines,Philosophies,Religions Or Any Knowlege Of Suttras,Bibles,Incantation,Koan,Koran,Etc,.

  2. kao1306 says:


  3. pittapitta says:

    thank you,


  4. MegaPopaBear says:

    monks are tha shit

  5. Kevinpwnz says:


  6. maloufha says:

    This music takes me to another realm when I meditate and relax. The clips are at the site peacesounds,COM . Meditation is bliss

  7. Ereshkigal316 says:

    hey, whats with the hate? “angry….angry….angry….”

  8. crosmandudelol says:

    how do i get rid of me thouts and breathe by my self??

  9. 3LliOtTD0GG123 says:

    alright calm the fuck down, i didnt know u sass

  10. 420League says:

    His voice, tranquilices me, gives me inside peace.. thanks… im reaching for this techniques, because sometimes my mind controls my body…

  11. 420League says:

    what a dumb ignorant,EVERYONE can be a monk

  12. shivrajvishnu says:

    Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

  13. DivineNatureAwakens says:

    It was kind of “enchanting” when you said sang “angry, angry, angry” Good focus.

  14. theandy4ever says:

    yea lol spread the love =D

  15. 3LliOtTD0GG123 says:

    i didnt know there were white monnks? cool! spread the love

  16. KhenpoDarma says:

    Meditation is so important! Remember Ram Bonjom, aka Palden Dorje who has been meditating in Nepal for over 4 years under a tree? Well, from November 18th to the 23rd, 2009 Palden Dorje will be giving blessings in Gadhi Mai. He plans this appearance in order to protest the sacrificing of tens of thousands of animals before they take place on the 24th at the Gadhi Mai Festival near Nijgad in Bara District. Please participate in any way you can. Tell all your friends!

  17. Phyle9 says:

    Really cool ideas 🙂

    Seems like watchingyourself from a 3rd person perspective or something…

  18. windir says:

    Thank you very much!

  19. evilferret132 says:

    what about a bad back???
    can medatation fix that???
    lol joking
    med is very good

  20. evilferret132 says:

    think he’s a budist monk….think
    so this is i think budist medatation

    very good for you :))

  21. cobrajitsu says:

    I’m sorry to hear that. Find your peace in the love of a baby soul that will never grow old. Your baby is with you. Always.

  22. econchick says:

    so are you like a monk?

  23. yuttadhammo says:

    Of course… to overcome mental suffering is the reason we meditate. If you are really interested in meditation, you can contact me by private message or Skype: yuttadhammo

    You could also check out my new series of videos on Why Everyone Should Meditate, as well as the updated version of these videos on How To Meditate. Both can be found on my channel.

  24. bloodystorms says:

    does this help with depression and anger…I have just lost my 5 month old child to sids and I have alot of built up anger towards people and myself. I have tried everything and nothings worked to this point. I need to calm myself.

  25. BlitzClub says:

    im just getting into this and you make alot of sense, thank you man!

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