How to meditate to the point of like closing your thoughts off completely?

How can I learn to meditate? I heard it takes LOTS of practice, but what should I do?

And whats it like?

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2 Responses to How to meditate to the point of like closing your thoughts off completely?

  1. Karina says:

    You are not supposed to close off your thoughts but just let go of attachment to your thoughts. Like a mountain just sit there letting the clouds go by. If you need help, see if there is a Zen meditation center in your area. But basically you just sit crosslegged, stare at the floor and let go.

  2. Sadhara Satguru says:


    Meditation is not aimed at closing off your thoughts, but being able to let them go.

    Yes it a Meditation Practice does requires dedication & no you don’t have to sit crossed legged!

    There are many methods out there, find one & stick to it for some time to get the benefits.


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