How to Practice Relaxation Meditation

The basis of almost every form of meditation throughout the world is relaxation. But the practice of relaxation meditation is far more complex than an individual deciding that they will seek to relax and thus meditate. Relaxation meditation takes careful understanding of what relaxation truly means, and then careful practice to truly attain the benefits that are available.

What does it mean to relax? Some people understand relaxation to simply mean the absence of any type of hard or taxing activities that would otherwise provide physical or mental strain on one’s body. Unfortunately, this understanding of the term relaxation is far too simple in nature. True relaxation is achieved when one is fully able to remove their minds from the toils of every day living. True relaxation is gained when every day worries can be left behind without any lasting stain. True relaxation occurs when individuals are no longer bothered by the trivial pains of their physical existence and are instead able to cast their conscious minds to a higher plane in order to gain a greater understanding of the world around them.

So in order to participate in relaxation meditation, one cannot simply sit down and stare into space and expect enlightenment to occur. Instead, techniques must be employed to fully exhaust one’s mental and physical state to a point of relaxation that allows full contemplation without interruption from the physical world. Relaxation meditation can be achieved through a variety of practices.

Some practitioners find it helpful to focus on a particular type of music when they are seeking the benefits of relaxation meditation. Not all forms of music would be helpful in this pursuit, however. Music that is chosen should be complimentary to a state of relaxation instead of distracting. Music without words should be used to attain relaxation meditation, as words will simply give the practitioner a new focus instead of allowing their conscious minds to attain focus independently. In addition, the music used for relaxation meditation should be soft and soothing, not loud and disruptive. The music should allow the mind to float to a higher level instead of being so all-consuming that the bonds of physical life are restraining.

Practitioners of relaxation meditation may also find it very helpful to use lighting as a way to attain total relaxation and thus enlightenment. Instead of harsh and bright light that create an uncomfortable atmosphere, soft and dim settings should be used to foster a sense of peace. One’s vision is often important when practicing relaxation meditation. When lights are adjusted to optimum levels, they can then focus their inner minds visually on a particularly desirable image or scene that will help them to further leave behind physical strains so that their minds can attain mental enlightenment.

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