For untold millennia, the power of psychic abilities has been known. Individuals have been known to enhance their own psychic powers with psychic development. Psychic abilities, however, are different than what we think or know of them. Today’s modern world is skeptical of these abilities. Abilities that all humans have, have become known as cheap theatrical tricks of magic.
When starting out with your psychic development remember to keep in mind that what we have seen isn’t everything. As humans we think, all too often, that we are alone in the cosmos. And the ultimate authority.
The first step to awakening your own latent psychic abilities is to understand that you are a very tiny piece of a much grander puzzle. The arrogant idea that you can command all the unseen forces of the universe simply because you want to is foolish, and often dangerous.
The first thing that comes to your mind, as you think of psychic powers, might be the telephone psychic, people who deal with the deceased, get rich quick schemes and all too often cheap magic tricks. This is the modern worlds vision of a psychic. This version of what a psychic is gives the legitimate psychic a bad reputation. Legitimate claims by an individual have been scoffed at and they have been given names like religious nuts, put into the cultist category and persecuted by major religions of the world.
The idea that psychic development is something that’s bad or even evil is completely false. As mentioned, every human is capable of having and using these abilities. There are two main things that you must have in order to even begin to wrap your mind around the idea of these powers. The first is unyielding faith in yourself and the second is a flexible mind.
Psychic abilities are not mystical or even magical. They go beyond our world, as we know it, and often labeled as magic tricks. The development of psychic abilities requires only that you accept unscientific and unorthodox things as being true. Accepting that the mind is much more powerful than you’ve been led believe is the first step in the process.
The history of many empires, religions and groups of individuals have all had those gifted with the unusual ability to see things and do things that we today consider absurd. These were the prophets and mystics of the past. Their abilities included the healing of the wounded and the sick, summoning and working with beings of pure energy and also working with the deceased.
The last part, as creepy as it sounds, has a legitimate purpose. When some people die they may retain a connection to the world of the living. This could be caused by ties to loved one, unresolved issues that will not allow them to rest. These issues keep them trapped, unable to move on, causing them misery and pain. There a psychics who do work with the deceased to help solve their problems enabling them to move on – to the next world.
Keep in mind this isn’t something cool, or some fad that’s the current trend. Working with peoples souls and using abilities of this kind is a huge responsibility. Don’t try to undertake personal psychic development just for your own amusement. If you feel you can accept this, there are a few things to do to begin your learning process.
At the beginning of developing your psychic ability, it may seem like nothing is working. This is normal…it takes time to bring down barriers forced upon us by the modern beliefs of society. Concepts of good and evil, religious morality and the fear of something that is different. These are all some of the challenges faced.
Begin with meditating each day. This is the beginning of ridding yourself of these barriers. Look into yourself. The ritual of meditation is your choice. Whatever you find to relax and open your mind.
This is your personal journey, remember that. What works for someone else doesn’t necessarily work for you. You will need patience and persistence during the learning process.
Once you have opened your mind and have accepted certain truths and ideas, you will experience other related things of the psychic development process. OBE’s, lucid dreams and other such related interesting events will be some of your experiences. Remember, you and the universe are connected. It will guide you – respect it.
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