Take a look at this video about meditating:
suprememastertv.com Ram Bahadur Bomjan The Meditating Buddha Boy from Nepal (In Nepali) P1/2. Episode: 962, Air Date: 3 May 2009.
Take a look at this video about meditating:
suprememastertv.com Ram Bahadur Bomjan The Meditating Buddha Boy from Nepal (In Nepali) P1/2. Episode: 962, Air Date: 3 May 2009.
Just search on “Ram Bahadur Bomjan: The Meditating Buddha Boy from Nepal” and you will find it.
where’s part 2??
The ‘song’ is a popular mantra in Asia, known as The Great Compassionate Mantra of Avalokiteshvara. Hope Buddha Boy achieve enlightenment and fulfil his Wishes.
i love him, so cute at 0:45
he is so cute, i love him
The title of this prayer is Mantra of Avalokiteshvara.
Yes, if anybody knows this song, please share it with us.
I am looking for the name of this song. Can any one help? Thanks.
i hope you attain nirvana through your smadhi buddha boy
Sadhu may he attain enlightenment as soon as possible for the benefit of all being
i use to meditate to this song, does anyone know what its called?
sadhu sadhu sadhu anumodami. May he attain Enlightenment as he wishes!