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Tag Archives: lucid dreaming
Lucid Dreaming – How It Can Be Done
The simplest definition of ‘lucid dreaming’ is being aware that you are dreaming while you are asleep. In lucid dreaming mostly you dream what you wish to be happening in your life. Though lucid dreaming occurs while we are aware of it you can make lucid dream to whatever you wish to dream. These dreams usually take place while you are in the middle of sleep and you know you are dreaming. The person in this condition is called lucid. Continue reading
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Start Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreams
Lucid dream means to make conscious about unconsciousness. That is, dreams are the unfulfilled strong desires that lie in our unconscious mind. In normal condition or while we are awake our conscious mind is working with a high frequency of thoughts. While we are sleeping conscious mind undergo rest and unconscious mind commences its work. So the strong intentions of life which we fail to satisfy for different reasons gradually appear before you as dreams. Continue reading
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Tagged how to lucid dream, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, Meditation
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Lucid Dreams – Experience Every Fantasy!
You may not know about lucid dreams yet, but they are real and are an amazing experience. A lucid dream is a dream where you are conscious of the fact that you are dreaming; and best of all, you’re in total control of your dream! You can take the reins and take your dream anywhere that you want to go. Continue reading
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Tagged conscious dreaming, lucid dream, lucid dreamer, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, Meditation
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Conscious Dreaming – Consider The Possibilities!
Also known as lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming is the state of being aware and in control while you are dreaming. That is to say, you know that you are dreaming while you are in the middle of a dream! When you are conscious that youre dreaming, you can control the events of your dreams. Continue reading
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Tagged conscious dreaming, dream control, lucid dream, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, Meditation
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Dream Control – The Truth
For most people, dreams are mysterious ‘mini movies’ that play in their minds while they’re sound asleep, seemingly without their control, with some being rather pleasant, and others, not so much. However, we now know that it is actually possible to make dream control a complete reality, bringing about what is known as lucid dreaming. Continue reading
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Is It Really Possible To Lucid Dream?
Very simply put, a dream in which you are conscious that you are dreaming is known as a Lucid Dream. The expression ‘lucid’ in this context means aware or conscious. But the extent of your ‘lucidity’ can vary according to how stable the dream experience itself is, how much you manage to remember about the dream when you wake up, and also how much influence you have in taking control of the dream itself. Continue reading
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Tagged conscious dreaming, dream control, lucid dream, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, Meditation
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How Do You Become A Lucid Dreamer?
Sometimes known as conscious dreaming, Lucid Dreaming is the art of keeping self aware and knowing that one is dreaming while in a dream. This includes being conscious that the events unfolding around you are only part of the dream … Continue reading
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Tagged concious dreaming, dream control, lucid dream, lucid dreamer, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams
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Do You Want To Be A Lucid Dreamer?
You have decided you want to be a lucid dreamer, otherwise known as a conscious dreamer. Knowing what you would like to do is good, the question remains on how do you accomplish this?
Posted in Meditation
Tagged concious dreaming, dream control, lucid dream, lucid dreamer, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams
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