Tag Archives: psychic ability

Tips To Increase Psychic Ability

We have seen many people claiming that they have got psychic power and they can predict one’s future. We get surprised always thinking how that was possible to perceive knowledge without sensing by five senses we have. Those guys may be true or not. The real fact is this. That everyone has psychic skills lying within our mind dormant. If we activate that ability, we can tailor that according to our needs. Continue reading

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Does Everyone Have Psychic Abilities?

A psychic is a term given to that person who has the psychic power or ability to perceive hidden messages or information from the environment which are otherwise not perceptible through the normal five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Thus, a psychic is said to have an extra sensory perception which enables him/her to perceive or ‘know’ hidden messages or about something that is happening far away, which another common person would not perceive. Continue reading

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