The method of testing the seven energy centers of the body, evaluating whether they are open, over-active or under-active is called Chakra Test. Anatomically speaking, these seven chakras are major nerve ganglia which originates from the spinal chord. These are the energy whorls or points located in a vertical straight line starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head where energy is received in and transmitted to.
The seven chakras are those of the Base or Root Chakra, the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown of the head chakras commonly named according to their location in the body. Having its roots in the ancient Sanskrit word of Hinduism, the chakras reflect the state or condition a person is in all aspects such as physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. Hence, Chakra tests are crucial in order to assess the state and for future wellbeing of the person.
Firstly, chakra test can be undertaken by a person by self health check up. Since physical blockages or problems are the easiest to understand, analyze the areas in your body which are not functioning properly to identify the blocked or misdirected chakras. For example, if you happen to have digestive, heart, lower back pain or thyroid problem, then you need to open or balance your solar plexus, heart, Root and throat chakras respectively.
When you are going for identifying the problems physically, you can perform other Chakra tests as well. These are self analysis exercises, measuring up of emotional strength and fear assessment. There are different problems like suffering from insecurity, fear of criticism, fear of betrayal or rejection or the inability to express something personally or professionally then you should check up with your chakras. The chakras of the base/ root, solar plexus, heart and throat might need balancing or are blocked in the above case.
Thirdly, in our digital age or internet boom, online chakra tests are the most fast and easily available instruments. The online chakra tests are usually 50 – 80 question questionnaire similar to a psychometric test asking you about yourself, what you are good at, your fears and the like thereby analyzing which chakras are open, closed, under active or hyper active for you.
As a fourth chakra test technique you might also give your close friend or someone who knows you well a set of such questionnaire to be filled up about yourself to get an unbiased and more accurate chakra test result. This method holds good when you are not too sure about yourself.
The fifth chakra test is known as the Kinesiology Test and it involves standing upright with your dominant hand stretched straight up on the side and using your other hand to place on the seven chakra positions on by one concentrating on the same. Ask your partner to try pushing down your dominant hand. Do this seven times for the seven chakras and repeat the cycle twice or thrice. You will see a pattern and realize that pushing down your dominant hand is difficult for some chakras and requires a fair amount of pressure. These chakras are therefore open and well balanced while the others need to be worked upon.
Thus, it can be seen that both online and offline chakra tests give you fairly a good idea regarding which of them needs to be worked upon, so that one can proceed with chakra meditation and chakra exercises thereafter in order to open and balance these energy meridians for the complete wellbeing in all aspects of life.
Warwick Sommes is one of the team of experts who writes for the popular site. To understand how knowledge of chakra can enhance your whole life and to get 29 Free chakra test brainwave training balancing and healing Audios.