Sensational Meditation for Children Child-Friendly Meditation Techniques based on The Five Senses
Price: $9.17
Sensational Meditation for Children Child-Friendly Meditation Techniques based on The Five Senses
Product Description
Sarah Vallely has created a step-by-step roadmap for teaching children how to meditate. Rich with philosophy, supporting science and practical examples, this book clearly explains the benefits of meditation for todays young generation. Included are 12 meditations and a variety of fun-filled exercises to help you get started right away. Higher self esteem, improved focus, better reading skills, closer family relationships and better health are just a few of the outcomes parents, therapists and teachers who have used Sensational Meditation for Children are raving about.
Sensational Meditation for Children Child-Friendly Meditation Techniques based on The Five Senses
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Sarah is passionate about nurturing the gifts of others. Her insightful meditations are practical tools for adults as well as children. Teaching us to trust our gifts she has developed a community that can easily translate her work and realize her intentions. Her work has provided opportunities for meditation groups around the world who have utlized her work in their schools, neighborhoods and in their homes. Thank you Sarah for teaching me that allowing an open space for my daughter’s gifts was actually a mirror lesson for my own self appreciation.
I am excited to give this book to her school as the teacher will be utilizing it in her classroom, allowing this piece of work to be recognized as the invaluable tool that it is.
Breathing regularly is a bridge that ties body to mind; when breathing is made regular it calms the physical body. Learning to breath evenly and regularly can yield instant stress relief on a moment’s notice. Following the sequence within a meditation develops memory and the ability to concentrate. In her book, “Sensational Meditation for Children”, Sarah does an outstanding job guiding you on how to bring such benefits of meditation to your children and more. I highly recommend this book. In addition to helping your children it will help you too. Enjoy!
I have used this book in teaching mindfulness classes to children both in the community and in the school where I am a Resource Room teacher. Sarah has created some wonderfully fun, creative exercises that capture the children’s imagination…always helpful in getting them to participate. She also gives ideas for modifying the exercises as necessary. This should be a “standard” for anyone interested in teaching children mindfulness or meditation techniques.
I am so thankful to Sarah Woods Vallely for laying the groundwork for meditation in the everyday life of families. I strongly recommend this book to parents who want to enrich their family life with meditation, and who would like to open doors for healthy, balanced, grounded and expansive spirituality for their children. I also recommend this book to teachers and therapists who work with children. You can also take Sarah Vallely’s classes.
Having a wide and cross-cultural background in meditation from my pre-motherhood years, I was never sure how to present meditation to my children without putting my own interpretation of spirituality onto them.
Sarah writes, “Can we teach a spiritual practice or set of skills to children without shaping their thoughts? … I believe we can … Our job is to focus on facilitating experiences for our children and letting them draw their own conclusions.”
This book shows child-appropriate meditation practices that help us better understand our children, help free us up and heal our emotional patterns with our children, (help us get un-stuck), and that can help a child both incarnate into her body and her senses while becoming more mentally focused and emotionally confident.
My children were grown long before this book was published. I did bring my meditation techniques into my family life when I developed a method to help my children learn elementary school level math. My approach focused on alleviating learning problems and facilitating memorization, however, and not on bringing meditation into one’s family life on a day-to-day basis. I wish this book had been published twenty years ago! It is the book I longed for when my children were little.
Dana Williams, author of Math by Grace: Memorization of Basic Math for Concentration-Challenged Children (Indigo, ADD, ADHD, ASD) through Relaxation and Meditation Techniques and The Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Chakras, the Twelve Life Paths – the prayer of Christ Consciousness as a light for the auric centers and a map through the archetypal life paths of astrology
I absolutely love this book and now purchase it for gifts for all my friends who have children or grandchildren. I only wish this book was around when my own children were little. It gives detailed benefits & explanations of various meditations. Teachers can use many of the suggested meditation techniques to enhance learning, decrease anxiety,and calm children before test taking. School nurses can use the authors techniques to ease belly or headaches. Children can learn the valuable life lesson of quieting the mind so that they can live peaceful and happy lives. Every school should have copies of this book and implement it’s priceless lessons so that we can raise balanced, calm, happy & productive children. Patricia Khan Registered Nurse & Yoga Teacher