How Can I Teach Myself Meditation?

Meditation is a technique that involves focusing your mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation. It is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and is known to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving sleep quality, and boosting overall well-being.

If you are new to meditation, it can seem overwhelming at first. However, with consistency and dedication can learn how to meditate and reap the benefits. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to teach yourself meditation.

Before we dive into the techniques, it’s important to understand that there are different types of meditation, and each one has its own unique benefits. Some of the most common types include mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, and mantra meditation. We encourage you to explore different types and find one that resonates with you.

Prepare Yourself

Before you start meditating, it’s important to create a peaceful environment that will help you focus and relax. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed for at least 10-15 minutes. Wear comfortable clothing, and avoid sitting in a position that causes discomfort. You can sit cross-legged on a cushion, sit on a chair, or even lie down.

Once you’ve found a, take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. This will help you relax and clear your mind. You can also play some soft music or use essential oil diffusers to create a calming atmosphere.

Finally, set an intention for your meditation session. Why are you meditating? What hope to achieve? Having a clear intention will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the practice.

Basic Breathing Techniques

The first step in any meditation practice is to focus on your breath. This helps to calm your mind and bring your attention to the present moment. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Count to five as you inhale and again as you exhale. Repeat this process for a few minutes and notice how your body feels.

If you find it challenging to focus on your breath, try counting your breaths. Inhale to the count of five, hold for two, and exhale to the count of seven. Repeat this process minutes, and you’ll notice that your mind becomes calmer and more relaxed.

Remember, don’t force yourself to concentrate too hard on your breath. Allow your breath to flow naturally and maintain a calm and relaxed state of mind.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation involves being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It’s a great technique for reducing stress and anxiety and improving overall well-being. To practice mindfulness meditation, find a comfortable position and focus on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, notice any sensations in your body, such as the rise and fall of your chest or the feeling of air moving in and out of your nose.

As you focus on your breath, your mind will inevitably wander. This is normal. When you notice your mind has attention back to your breath. Try not to judge yourself or get frustrated. The goal become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and to accept them without judgment. Practice this for a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the time as you become more comfortable with the practice>

Visualization Meditation

Visualization meditation involves creating a mental image of a peaceful and relaxing place. It’s a technique that can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall well-being. To practice visualization meditation, find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a peaceful and relaxing environment, such as a beach or a forest. Visualize the sights, sounds, and smells of the environment, and allow yourself to become fully immersed in the experience.

As you focus on the mental image, your mind more relaxed and calm. Practice this for a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the time as you become more comfortable with the practice.

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a technique that slowly and mindfully while focusing on your breath and the sensations in your body. It’s a technique that can help reduce stress and anxiety overall well-being. To practice walking meditation, find a quiet space where you can walk without distractions. Walk slowly and mindfully, taking deep breaths and focusing on the sensations in your body as you walk.

As you focus on your breath and the sensations in your body, your mind will become more relaxed and calm. Practice this for a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the time as you become more comfortable with the practice.


Like any other skill, meditation takes time and practice to master. Consistency is key. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice meditation. It’s better to meditate for a few minutes every day than to meditate for an hour once a week. Start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the practice.

It’s also important to be patient and kind to Don’t get discouraged if you find it challenging to meditate at first’s normal a wandering mind. With practice, find it easier to focus and relax.


Here are a few additional tips to help you teach yourself meditation:
– Be mindful of your posture: Good posture can help you breathe more deeply focused during your practice.
– Practice at the same time each day: Practicing at the same time each day can help you establish a routine and make meditation a habit.

Teaching yourself meditation is a rewarding and life-changing experience. With consistency and dedication, anyone can learn how to meditate and reap the benefits. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to meditation. Explore different types and find one that resonates with you. Be patient, kind, and consistent, and you’ll soon discover the transformative power of meditation.

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How Can I Teach Myself Meditation?

Meditation is a technique that involves focusing your mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation. It is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and is known to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving sleep quality, and boosting overall well-being.

If you are new to meditation, it can seem overwhelming at first. However, with consistency and dedication can learn how to meditate and reap the benefits. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to teach yourself meditation.

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How to Quiet The Mind During Meditation

How to Quiet The Mind During Meditation

A lot of people from beginners in meditation through to people who have been meditating for some time face the question “How to quiet the mind during meditation”. The pace of life most of us experience means that it’s not always as easy to switch off our mind chatter as we’d like.

So, when you’re about to meditate, what are the best ways to quiet your mind?Quiet The Mind During Meditation

Start by paying your mind less attention. It’s a bit like an annoying child or pet that wants you to constantly respond to it. Mentally, press the “ignore” or “delete” button and see whether that works.

Distract your mind. Most people’s minds are easily distracted. Give it something else to think about and see how that works. Whether it’s the meditation you’re currently focusing on or the sounds of nature (or otherwise) taking place around you. Focus on one small detail and let your mind explore that with you.

Don’t hang on to your thoughts. Let them drift through your mind like a fluffy cloud drifting through the sky. This takes a bit of practice as we’re so used to concentrating on our thoughts all the time but is well worth doing, even if we don’t manage it all the time.

Trying the opposite can also work: grab onto that thought that’s been kicking around your mind for longer than you’d like. be obstinate with the thought until your mind finally gets the idea that it should let it go.

Just chill and go with the flow. This is an excellent way to quiet the mind during meditation. Allow whatever is happening in your thoughts to just happen. They’re happening for a reason, let them occur in the background whilst you place your focus on your meditation. That way you’ll begin to learn how to quiet the mind during meditation.

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Meditation CDs UK

Choosing Meditation CDs UK

There are a lot of available meditation CDs in UK. So where do you start? How do you know which ones are any good and which ones are less suitable for you?

Fairly obviously, one place to start is with Amazon‘s ratings. They provide a good short cut to what other people think about a particular CD and you can find meditation CDs UK or otherwise. You can also get some good ideas from their system of showing what other people bought.Meditation CDs UK

If you know the particular type of meditation CDs UK that you’re looking for then you can start to search outside the comfy confines of places like Amazon:

Secrets of Meditation is a series of breathing meditations presented on a set of meditation CDs UK (but they’re shipped worldwide). Matt does a great job of introducing meditation, the benefits associated with it and he explains everything in easy to understand terms. The set also includes spoken guided meditations that you can use whenever you like.

Other Meditation CDs UK

The Meditation Program uses a different technique: you’re played calming music and behind that there are a series of binaural beats that are an electronic way of taking you into a deep meditative state without you having to do anything other than listen to the tracks provided. It’s the system I use on an almost daily basis and I have found it to be beneficial in my life. It comes in CD format or as a series of downloads which you burn to CD or transfer to your MP3 player.

Brain Evolution System is another set of binaural beats meditation CDs. If you’re pressed for time, it’s an excellent choice as the tracks only take 30 minutes to listen to rather than an hour with most of the other options on the market. It works well and is fully supported – a big advantage over just buying your meditation CDs UK from somewhere like Amazon.

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How To Start Meditation At Home

How To Start Meditation At Home

There are a number of different answers to the question “how to start meditation at home”.

Much depends on how well you learn things “at a distance” rather than face-to face but here are some suggestions:

Breathing Meditation

Start Meditation At HomeOne of the simplest ways to start meditating. You’ll be focusing on your breathing and noticing what happens as you breathe in and out. More advanced forms of breathing meditation involve some physical action as your breaths get more forceful – these kind of exercises can be better with a tutor present but you should be able to get information to help you carry them out at home.

Traditional Meditation

Most traditional meditation involves focusing on an object such as a candle flame or repeating a chant or mantra over and over again. Either of these methods is an easy way to start meditation at home and you can get help and instruction for this with things like this meditation course.

Another Way To Start Meditation At Home

Binaural Beats Meditation

This has become more and more popular in the western world as it offers the benefits of meditation without the long learning process. We’re getting increasingly used to things happening instantly and this kind of meditation goes a long way towards that.

I personally use this kind of meditation on an almost daily basis and if I’m asked how to start meditation at home then it’s the method I suggest every time as it is just plain easy to do.

Click here to get hold of the meditation system I personally use here and start meditation at home almost immediately.

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Meditation Timers UK: Making Sure You Don’t Lose Track of Time When You Meditate

It’s easy done. Losing track of time when you meditate is almost certainly part of the meditative experience. But there are times when you need to stop meditating and come back to the real world. Which is where meditation timers UK or otherwise come into their own.

Sure, you could set the countdown timer on your mobile phone. But the chances are that you’ve switched your phone to silent so that you’re not interrupted during your meditation, so there’s always the worry that the timer will merely flash rather than bleep and that you’ll be so deep in your meditation that you don’t notice it.

Which is where a dedicated meditation timer comes into its own.

You can set the duration of your meditation session and just begin to meditate, knowing that your faithful electronic meditation timer will do it’s job perfectly and alert you peacefully but insistently when it’s time to stop meditating and do whatever is due to happen next in your life.

Another option is to use a purpose made meditation MP3 track. This will help you to achieve a deep meditative state and, at the end of the track, you’ll be brought back to a state of alertness.

Which, as is often the case in these things, means it’s your choice. Order a meditation timer in the UK or wherever you are in the world or get hold of a guided meditation MP3 to control the amount of time you spend meditating.

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Learn to Meditate: London

When you start learning to meditate, the choices available can seem overwhelming, regardless of where you are based. There are plenty of different ways to learn to meditate in London, across the UK and in near enough all the rest of the world for that matter.

A lot of people prefer to start their meditation learning experience in a local class. A visit to your local library or a quick search on sites like Gumtree, Vivastreet and Craigslist should turn up quite a few options if you want to learn meditation in a group.

Sometimes it’s not possible to join a local meditation group. Maybe there’s not one being run on a night that’s convenient for you or maybe a course has just ended and the next one doesn’t start for a while.

If that’s the case with you, don’t despair!

There are plenty of sites on the internet that can take the place of a local meditation class.

They take you through the complete process of learning meditation and – best of all – you can go through the lessons as often as you like, which isn’t possible when you’re learning face to face.

Check out this easy to use meditation class program.

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Meditation Machines UK: Choosing A Meditation Machine

Some people like to use a meditation machine to help with their meditative process.

The idea is that the machine will help with putting you into the correct brain state to allow your meditation to be effective, even if you’re still a relative beginner at meditating.

Most meditation machines in UK and elsewhere work on the same principle: you’ll listen to relaxing music and possibly wear a pair of special glasses that flash lights that are synchronised to the music.

A lot of people have reported great results from using meditation machines in UK and across the world.

The only snag is that these machines are quite expensive as you not only have to buy the device itself but usually also the tracks to play on it.

Another alternative isn’t as high tech but gets very similar results to those achieved with meditation machines…

The alternative involves meditation MP3 files, transferred to your iPod or burned to CD.

You then just listen to the specially recorded meditation track on your headphones. The track takes care of getting your brainwaves to the right frequency and there is usually a progression of tracks to take you gradually deeper and deeper into a meditative state.

One of the best meditation sets I’ve found is the Meditation Program. It’s effective as well as being both cheaper and quicker than it’s main rival, Centerpointe.

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Meditation: Meaning and Forms

Meditation, not to be confused with mediatation, is an ancient art form that has been practiced for centuries, with origins in the Eastern part of the word; India being a prime example. The basic use of meditation is as a form of healing which does not require the ingestion of any medications, relying only on the individuals mind and how it may be finely tuned to achieve the desired effects on both mind and body. The purpose of meditation is to transcend “normal” thinking and elevate oneself into a higher state of awareness and consciousness, achieve a relaxed state of mind, and be able to clearly focus.

Meditation covers a wide range of spiritual and psycho-physical practices and is not limited to religious traditional practice. The common denominator among all types of meditation, however, is the discipline involved – anyone going into a regime of meditation needs to know the level of discipline that will be required. Continue reading

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Meditating Children of All Ages

Meditating Children of All Ages

This CD is basic but helps kids wind down from school and general over-information. This is widely used by moms whose kids are “wired”. Kids like the CD so much that they have put it into their iPods themselves and listen without any prodding. Enjoy the Peace and Quiet!

List Price: $ 9.95

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B000K97ZGS”]

[wpramareviews asin=”B000K97ZGS”]

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